Thursday, April 20, 2017

Animatic Script/Drawings

Scene 1

Wide shot of Chef Lob, our main antagonist. He is looking down at table and is preparing for his afternoon meal. We here sounds of the ocean in the background and a couple fish swim by, consciously keeping a wide berth from Chef Lob.

Scene 2

Close up on Chef Lob. We see our semi-protagonist, Shrimpy Jr., looking very fearful for his life and he is slowly edging closer to the end of the table. Chef Lob pinches his claws open and closed and smirks viciously at Shrimpy Jr. 

Scene 3

Suddenly - and most unexpectedly - a fish net swoops down and catches Chef Lob. Shrimpy Jr. Squeezes his eyes shut, curling in on himself, and just barely manages to evade becoming entrapped in the ominous ropes. Another scene will depict Shrimpy Jr. opening his eyes and watching as Chef Lob gets dragged further and further towards the ocean's surface. [Fade Out]

Scene 4

[Fade In] We bare witness to a new character, Chef Hum-hum. The new cook holds our antagonist, Chef Lob, and marvels at his catch of the day. Chef Lob is still confused as to what's just happened to  him.

Scene 5

Chef Hum-hum immediately begins the preparation for his dinner, setting up a pot of boiling water to poach Chef Lob in. At this point, Chef Lob clearly starts to panic and attempts to get away, but his efforts are futile. 

Scene 6

So excited is Chef Hum-hum, that he skips around his kitchen while he waits for the unfortunate lobster to finish cooking. [A time card may appear across the screen in order to detail how long the chef has been waiting]

Scene 7

Bon Appetit! Chef Lob has been Served! As the trey's lid is lifted, we see a plum of smoke rise and from the words 'The End.' 

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Photoshop (GIF) Storyboard

Environment: Tree house
Characters: Bertha, Stanley, and User Error

Enter Stanley (Stage left)


Jump 1

Jump 2 
(Flicker of light in background)

Jump on to bed 
(Stronger flicker of light in background)

Fling Bertha off of bed 

(Bertha lands)

Enter Antagonist

TBC (Fade in)
The Finished Product

Thursday, February 2, 2017


This is a tree house design for my characters. I figured that my characters could move back and forth in the foreground of the image, and up and down on the bed. I was going for a woody and minimalist style hideout that would be perfect for adventuring.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Triangle Square & Circle Characters

Original Characters

Basic Forms

Forms Filled In

Triangle Remix
Name: Bertha
Personality: The ugly temptress who is fairly smart and very greedy.

Circle Remix
Name: Stanley
Personality: Kind of an idiot (like the type of person who would put an unknown, and possibly toxic, substance into a microwave just to see what would happen), very lucky (like captain Jack Sparrow lucky), and a hero type character.

Square Remix
Name: User Error
Personality: The stupid antagonist